Welcome to my internet site.
I am pleased to present to you my new DVD „The white pigeon - songs for peace“ and my Audio-CD „Abendstern/Evening Star“. You can find more information about this in my shop. Video and audio samples are under Media.
My offers for live music I present to you under Program.
I would also like to warmly recommend to you my volume of narrations „Lovisa“ and my novel „Brücke in den Frühling/Bridge into Spring“, which is set in post-reunification Berlin. Information about these as well as an exposé and readings can also be found in the shop. (Up until now only available in German).
I will be happy to inform of current events such as concerts and readings by sending you a circular e-mail. If you send me your e-mail address, I will include you in my distribution list.
Thank you for your attention and interest.
Alexandra Linett